Tuesday 29 October 2013

Apkārtējās vides faktoru kaitīgā ietekme uz organismu

Different (even mundane) mechanical, physical, chemical, biological and socio-psychogenic aetiologies can run pathogens if they exceed the adaptive capacity of the organism or organism reactivity is altered. In addition, scientific and technical progress in this century created particularly harmful to the body, ie. s. extreme factors (ionizing radiation, overload, zero gravity, hiperbārija, etc.) to which human evolution has not felt up compensation and adaptation mechanisms. Therefore, these factors can quickly lead to serious consequences.Any environmental factor risk is relative, it depends on both the external and the internal environment of the circumstances.All of the environmental factors on the human body works the existence of certain social conditions, which is very high, sometimes even decisive role in the origin of diseases.

Motor factors

Mechanical energy ( solid object , the shock wave effect) can cause both local and through ! general body damage. Injuries result depends on the size and the mechanical energy of human tissues and organs, physiological , physico-chemical and mechanical properties . It is also important that the local damage combined with bleeding and nervous and skin disorders . Not less important is the general disturbances, which in severe cases, the form of traumatic shock (see the body's overall response to the damage) .Mechanical forces arising from the biological structure of elastic or plastic deformation . Depending on the nature of the injury to the local damage takes the form of a sprain , fracture , bruising, bruise , fracture , curvature , wrench , or a combination thereof .When the motor force exceeds the strength of the tissue margins, bone fracture , ligament and muscle rupture . Mechanical exposure resulted in a dense body tissues ( spine, pelvis , limb bones ) buckling , as well as the dislocation of bone joints and skin damage.


Sastiepums mehāniska spēka ietekmē raksturīgs visām dzīvajām struktūrām (locītavu saitēm, cīpslām, muskulatūrai, ādai). Pielikta spēka darbības rezultāts, protams, ir atkarīgs no struktūras mehāniskās izturības, funkcionālā stāvokļa, patoloģiska procesa esamības, cilvēka vecuma un citiem faktoriem. Piemēram, muskulatūra koritrakcijas brīdī ir mazāk stiepjama nekā miera stāvoklī. Iekaisuši audi, kā arī veca cilvēka audi vairāk stiepjas un vieglāk plīst nekā veseli audi vai jauna cilvēka audi.
Trauma var izraisīt kādas ķermeņa daļas, piemēram, ekstremitātes visu struktūru (ādas, muskulatūras, kaulu, saišu u. c.) sastiepumus un plīsumus, pat šīs ķermeņa daļas atrāvumu. Ja mehāniskais spēks nav tik liels, ir svarīgi, vai tas iedarbojas atkārtoti un Ilgstoši. Kaitīgāka ir atkārtota iedarbība. Tā var izraisīt, piemēram, «nišu atslābumu, locītavas fiksējošā aparāta mobilizāciju un ieraduma izmežģījumu.
Dobo orgānu (kuņģa un zarnu trakta orgānu, urīnpūšļa) ilgstošs stiprs piepildījums (evakuācijas traucējumu dēļ) nereti rada gludās muskulatūras un dziedzeru atrofiju, sekretoriskās un motosiskās funkcijas pavājināšanos. Slimniekiem, kam ir aneirisma, ilgstoša iestiepuma rezultātā atrofējas asinsvada sienas, var rasties to plīsums un stipra asiņošana.


Different tissue resistance to pressure differently. Is the toughest bone and musculoskeletal . These tissues are exposed to physiological conditions, strong and variable mechanical load (body mass and muscle strength of operation man walking , doing physical work , etc. . Etc. . ) . Soft tissues of the pressure is much lower resistance - even slight bruising in a circulatory and trophic disorders. Prolonged bruising of the tissue (necrosis ) and pressure sores ( decubitus ) . If the pressure acting on the growing tissues , growth slows down or ceases altogether.Prolonged compression syndrome. Soon after the man or , more often, a release from his limb compression ( decompression ) develop severe functional and morphological disorders . The patient's general condition recalls traumatic shock in a two-phase process (see Shock ) . Cause damage to the soft tissues are formed and accumulate biologically active substances (" damage mediators ") , such as potassium and phosphate ions , creatine , Myoglobin, a denatured protein, antihypertensive amines ( histamine , etc.) . These substances act as locally as well as in general . The formation of the increase in capillary permeability and promotes blood plasma transition tissue, resulting in compression appears instead of an array of edema. At the same time , of course, decreases in circulating blood volume ( hypovolemia occurs ) and increases blood viscosity, which in turn contributes to the weakening of the heart , blood , and a reallocation of the cirkulatoriskās hypoxia development. Hypovolemia conditions reduce the urine in the kidney filtration and reabsorption increases , so strong decrease in urine output - oliguria occurs.

Treatment of diseases of the principles

Pathological Physiology are three types of illness - philological, pathogenic and symptomatic treatment (Fig. 8.)
Aetiological treatment focuses on removal of disease aetiologies . For example, if an infectious agent removes and neutralizes Iii exposure products, infectious disease is interrupted . Etioloģlttknis type of treatment is the most complete, in practice it neicil can not be used because the cause of the disease is unknown, or RII flax with our existing products can not be resolved . In such cases, try to use pathogenic treatment.
Pathogenic treatment is to interrupt the established allimbas pathogenesis mechanism. For example, the treatment of diabetes mellitus has made a good use of insulin replacement therapy, and duodenal ulcers: the increased gastric secretion for reducing holinolītiķus, alkali , vagotomiju and other pathogenic forms of treatment . Substitution, consider the following pathological physiology general rule: a metabolic product ( vitamins, hydrochloric acid , hormones ) during the regular administration of these substances in the body reduces the endogenous production.
Pathogenic treatment is widely used in modern medicine. However, often lack the means to put pressure on the pathogenesis mechanism, or the mechanism has not been sufficiently studied. Then use slmptomātisko treatment.
Symptomatic treatment is directed to certain disease symptoms, such as for pain, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.. etc.. This type of treatment is visnepilnvērtīgākais because the disease itself is not treated but merely alleviate the patient's suffering.

Classification of illnesses principles

In correlation many nozoloģiskās forms, that before supposed for incorporated illnesses, in actual fact there are whole groups of illnesses - medicine developing, the old illnesses as though decompose a few new. One former nozoloģiskās forms sairst, but another again appear from new. Because of the mentioned circumstances classification of illnesses changes also.
Classifying any businesses or phenomena, jāņem attention certain signs, criteria. Classifying illnesses, takes such signs into account.
1. Cause of the disease. Common infectious disease caused by infectious agents (germs, viruses). Intoxication caused by toxic substances. Depending on the cause of intoxication can also be categorized in more detail, such as occupational and dietary toxic products induced diseases. Of all trauma-related illnesses trauma, radiation sickness cause - exposure to ionizing radiation and so on.
2. Pathogenesis features. Separate groups together with similar disease pathogenesis mechanisms, such as collagen diseases, allergic diseases, benign, malignant tumors, metabolic diseases.
3. Anatomical principle. Practical medicine very convenient and widespread disease classification damaged organ (heart, lung, kidney, stomach problems). Although this classification of the modern medical specialization practical requirements, however, as mentioned above, certain organs do not exist. Therefore, for accurate classification of diseases should be subject to functional organ systems (sirdsasinsvadu system, blood system, digestive system diseases).
4. Age. Patients of different age and origin of the disease development is often different. The pediatric diseases studying a separate branch of medicine - paediatrics, elderly sick - geriatrics.
5. Sex. Men and women have quite different for many diseases (see sex-reactivity). Certain medical industry explores the male and female reproductive physiology and pathology. 
6. Ecological factors. Human life conditions play an important role in t. s. region or geographical origin of the disease, and working conditions - occupational origins. In recent times, often mentioned in the "diseases of civilization", as it believes the cause of liberating the rhythm of life, lack of exercise, poor diet.
7. Genetic defect in the apparatus. In recent times, the overall incidence structure significantly reduce the acute infectious diseases and the incidence of diseases, but relatively increased hereditary diseases and defects in thickness, and the incidence of diseases that are inherited predisposition for disease heritability due explores medical genetics.
8.Clinical course and run time. Acute illness characterized by pronounced clinical picture, it lasts from a few days to 2 weeks. Sub acute clinical picture is less npilgta, duration - 2-5 weeks. Chronic illness lasts for months or even years.
9. Statistical requirements. They shall respect the classification, such as infectious and parasitic diseases, malignant tumors, allergic diseases, endocrine diseases.

An illness pareja chronic form. Relapse

If does not have succeeded fully to liquidate the etiologic factor and to restore the mixed functions, illness can go across in a chronic form protracted,, la, for example, a chronic gastritis, chronic divpadsmitplrkstu bowel ulcer, can develop, sclerotic processes in brains, in myocardium, in buds u. c. in organs. However very the origin of many chronic illnesses yet is not investigated.

In the case of a chronic illness illness signs clinical for a time weaken(remissio) or even disappear(intermissio) fully, in fact new illness saasinājums(exacerbatio) follows afterwards. Saasinājuma during illness symptoms show up from new.


For an illness relapse(lat. relapses - such, what returns from new) call development of new illness sequencing after a complete disappearance of the clinical symptoms. In pamatā of the new sequencing ordinary are the illness etiologic factor or an incomplete liquidation of pathogeny mechanisms. Relapses are wont to be eczemas, roses, radiculitis and in the cases of another illnesses. In patient life prognosis news very serious there is a relapse of a malignant tumour after a nesekmīgas treatment.
Death(exitus letalis) gets up to life in the result of action of important organs heavy violations. The death pathological physiology is close constrained with a hypoxia, therefore it yet will examine in future.


Recovery is process, in that functions and normal correlations of the sick organism recommence with the neighbouring environment. A man is social būtne, therefore the main recovery criterion is recommence of abilities to work and return at work. In this sign call recovery for a rehabilitation(lat. prefix here in a sign action restore, habilitas - fitness); man or here returns previous at work, or because of health position begin to work another work.

Before recovery supposed for illness regress, in fact this are not correct. Recoveries are quality another human position, in that new organism correlations appearing with the neighbouring environment. Recovery processes in an organism begin already from the illness beginning, although also the recovery clinical signs show only in an illness completion period. Clinical recovery or rekonvalescence can take place in the kind(lash crisin) of a sharp transition or crisis or gradually(lash lysin).
In an illness development and recovery process a substantial sign is to organism 1) aizsargmehānismiem, 2) adapt(adaptations) mechanisms and 3) indemnification mechanisms.

The Unspecific and specific aizsargmehānismi operate, let, first of all, prevent or weaken influence of the pathogenic agent on an organism and, secondly, diminished organism jutību against the action of the pathogenic agent. Adapt(adaptations) mechanisms function, let save organism homeostāzi and clays of provided opti­circumstances organism action. Functional and the morphological indemnification mechanisms are opposite directed on restore of the already mixed homeostāzes.

Processes, what supports organism homeostāzi, the nervous system and hipofīzesvirsnieru system regulate. Because an organism is more difficult, because completer there are mechanisms of his functional indemnification, but mechanisms of the morphological indemnification - less valuable. In the action of mechanisms of the functional indemnification an important sign is CNS the highest departments. The already existing organ functional reserves are rapid mobilizētas in indemnification intention, as also new functional and strukturālās correlations are formed.

The functional reserve is well-known all organs. If it appears insufficient, a kompensatoriskais of organ functions increase is yet possible on a hypertrophy(heart) or regeneration increase(blood) count up.
In action rapid news divide recovery mechanisms in three groups.

The rapid and unsteady aizsardzībaskompensācijas mechanisms operate seconds or minutes. Mainly them there are protective reflexes(moisten with saliva, vomiting, sneeze, cough, tear, selection of mucuses), with what help an organism is freed from harmful substances. To such reflexes processes belong also, strain support norms in borders the organism homeostāzei important parameters(the arterial pressure, glucose level in bloods u. c.), as also adrenalin and gliko kortikosteroīdu distinguish in stress circumstances.

The middle long(partly steady) aizsardzībaskompensācijas mechanisms operate all illness time. Mobilizēšana(normal the parenchimas of 12-15% livers operate only a man, respiratory of 20-25% lungs surface and glo of buds merulārā vehicle, is used approximate 20% myocardium powers) of reserve of organs capabilities belongs to them; action, in a that result, for example of many regulācijas systems, the amount of leucocytes increases, termoregulācija commutes on a higher level; neutralization of poisons processes(link with plasma olbaltumvielām, in neutralize oksidācijas, reductions, in metilēšanas and in another road); a saistaudu system reagent inflammation(the immunological or allergic reakciju and in another cases).

The belated and steady aizsardzībaskompensācijas mechanisms ploughed operate all illness time and save even after her end. To this mechanisms charge extra an organ or kompensatorisko of extremities hypertrophy, restoration regeneration(livers, parenchima regeneration after partial ekstirpācijas of this organ, blood formelementu regeneration after a blood loss) and the immunological reakcijas(antibody and appear of the sensibilizēto limfocītu sometimes save months and even years long after an infection illness end). Let a neighbouring environment of organism adapt buried by sa­, aizsargkavēšanas processes, that ploughed absolute and condition aizsargrefleksi, pass in the central nervous system.
Recovery mechanisms include also to the organism negative components. For example, the model pathological processes - inflammation, fever, stress, shock - pass neekonomiski(the already described regulācija of functions "accidents"), with the consumption of considerable energy and food substances.

Disconnect a complete and incomplete recovery.

In the clinic of complete recoveries ordinary designate for restitutio ad integrum, that means in a previous position of returns, t. i., health return. In fact in actual fact with it it needs to understand complete recommence of abilities to work only, because, as already accented, an organism after illness never returns in this position, someone was to the disease. Life pro­cesi have gājuši forward, after wounds underlaying scars, in an inflammation nest developing saistaudi, immunity appearing after infection illnesses, the strengthened fagocitārā activity of leucocytes has saved protracted, adult antibody and amount of the sensibilizēto limfocītu utt.
An incomplete recovery(restitutio incompleta) in a sign, that the functional or organic damages, that appearing in illness motion, does not have liquidated fully and that compensate them another organ or system a function is strengthened. Quite often in this cases look after t. s. phenomena of bits and pieces, what can show up gan as an illness transition in a pathological position, and as complications.

Complications(complicatio) exceptionally often develop then, if illness motion is offtype and treatment incomplete. For complication call illness or pathological process, what appears in the result of the violations caused by pamatslimīuus, for example, vidusauss inflammation or nephrite after a scarlatina, perforation or vēzis stomach ulcer slimnieItatn. Unlike complications t. s. the conducting illness gan passes vienlaikus with basicillness, but etiologic with it is not constrained, for example, flu patient with ferrous deficit anaemia.

Sunday 22 September 2013

Chronic Renal Failure

If nefroni gradually die, the body accumulates nitrogen metabolism end products and develops chronic renal failure. These types of renal failure can cause any chronic progressive renal disease (chronic glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, vascular nephropathy, renal congenital anomaly) as well as some metabolic diseases (such as diabetes), connective tissue sistēmslimības (disseminated lupus erythematosus), which are characterized by renal failure , hypertensive disease (primarily contracted kidney). Functioning nefronu Number of becoming less, so 1) reduced glomerular filtration volume, 2) worsening secernējamo and reabsorbējamo substance transport, resulting in a reduction of renal concentration capacity, 3) is disturbed electrolyte balance in the body.Chronic renal failure are distinguished four stages:Stage I or full compensation step (function over V3 from all nefroniem)Stage II or stage of compensated retention,Stage III or stage of decompensation,Stage IV or terminal renal failure.Chronic renal failure patients live for several years, until they illnesses. It is characterized by irreversible, progressive accumulation of a metabolite and highly homeostasis disorders in the body.Chronic renal insufficiency mechanism is functioning nefronu number and renal concentration capacity reduction. Stage renal failure compensation will continue until the urine filtration is still 35-50% of the normal filtration. Impaired renal concentration ability (urine specific gravity of less than 1,020) offset forced polyuria. Urine filtration, reabsorption and daily diuresis is normal clinical renal failure with no symptoms.Chronic renal failure, II, or compensated retention stage occurs when urine filtration is no longer limited to 25-35% of normal.